May 17, 2018

BTS Bioenergy Breaks Ground on First US Anaerobic Digester

BTS, a global leader in anaerobic digestion, broke ground on its first US plant to be located on a five acre lot at the Maryland Food Center Authority in Howard County, MD.

In a ground breaking that featured Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman as well as remarks by Roy McGrath CEO and Director of Maryland Environmental Service, Mary Beth Tung, Director of Maryland Energy Administration, the event was a celebration of this important public private partnership.

“The relationship being built among the county, our food producers and the Maryland Food Center Authority, clearly shows that what is good for the environment can be good for business.  Having BTS Bioenergy select Howard County as its U.S. home shows it is confident about our county’s commitment to a comprehensive strategy for sustainability,” said Allan H. Kittleman, Howard County Executive.

“We could not have picked a better location than the Maryland Food Center, Howard County and the State of Maryland to launch our US business.” said Shawn Kreloff, Executive Director, CEO Americas, BTS Bioenergy.  “BTS recycles organic products, over 100,000 tons at this site alone, once destined for incineration and already crowded landfills.  We then produce electricity, renewable natural gas, a high nutrient soil amendment, while reducing CO2 and methane emissions. “

Key to the success of BTS Bioenergy is its relationship with the Maryland Food Center Authority and the vision of its Executive Director Don Darnell. “Working with BTS allows MFCA the ability to offer a competitive advantage to our tenants. Together we reduce costs, through the reduction of waste, eliminate unneeded truck traffic and provide a tremendous source of sustainable environmentally smart energy solutions.”

BTS Bioenergy is targeting 2019 to be in operation and is currently in the process of working with the many food producers waste haulers in the region to obtain organic waste that would traditionally be sent to a landfill or incinerated.

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