HCEDA Accepting Applications for the Howard County Agricultural Innovation Grant
Howard County Economic Development Authority (HCEDA) and Agriculture Land Preservation Program are now accepting applications for the Howard County Agricultural Innovation Grant. The purpose of this grant is to encourage Howard County’s agricultural producers to expand or diversify their business operations. Eligible applicants must be a crop or livestock producer or processor, agritourism or agricultural cooperative, seafood processor, or primary or secondary timber products processor. Grant values range from $1,000 up to $10,000 for research and development, production buildings, major fixtures, processing facilities, and other permissible expenses.
The applicant must provide a match in funds, materials, or labor equal to the value of the grant received. Grants are issued in two cycles each year: winter and summer. Grant applications will be accepted throughout the year based on funding availability. Each application will be scored out of a total of 200 points with a one-time, first-time applicant bonus of 10 points. If a section in the application is missing information, applicants may receive zero points. The grants will be awarded according to their rank from the total score. Please note: This is a competitive grant and not all applicants may receive funding. If you are not one of the top three applicants, you will be given the opportunity to edit your application and reapply in a future grant cycle.
Applications for the current round of grants are due no later than July 15, 2021. If you’re unable to apply for this round, applications for the next round of grants will be accepted until January 15, 2022. To learn more about qualifications and to download the application, please visit: www.hceda.test/farm-agriculture/grants.
About Howard County Economic Development Authority (HCEDA): The Howard County Economic Development Authority is a public-private partnership whose primary goal is to promote economic growth and stability by supporting existing businesses, targeting new businesses, and attracting corporate/regional headquarters. HCEDA also maintains several programs aimed at the unique needs of small, minority, and agricultural businesses. Additionally, the HCEDA strives to preserve the distinctive quality of life in Howard County. To learn more about Howard County farms and the HCEDA, visit www.hceda.test.
About Howard County Agriculture Land Preservation Program (ALPP):
Through this locally–administered and voluntary program, a farmer whose land meets certain size and soil criteria can offer to sell a perpetual easement to the County, while holding fee simple title to the land and continuing to farm. The farm may be sold, but the easement, which restricts the development of the property, remains with the land and binds future owners. In addition to easements purchased by the Howard County ALPP, the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF) program also purchases agricultural easements, and has acquired almost 4,000 easement acres in Howard County.
To learn more, visit their website: www.howardcountymd.gov/planning-zoning/agricultural-planning