July 13, 2017

Howard County’s Innovation Center lands three new companies relocating to Columbia Gateway

Howard County Executive Allan H. Kittleman and the Howard County Economic Development Authority (HCEDA) today announced the relocation of three federal contractors to the county’s new innovation center in Columbia Gateway.

The three companies – D&A Technical Services, Aerode Management Solutions and Epitome Technologies Inc. – selected the Howard County Innovation Center as their new home after the June 30 closure of Anne Arundel County’s Chesapeake Innovation Center (CIC), where the companies had been located.

“This is a win-win for these companies and for Howard County. We are looking to attract more start-ups, high tech and cyber companies, and these three from the CIC fit the profile perfectly,” said Kittleman. “Our goal is to develop Columbia Gateway as an Innovation District, with the Howard County Innovation Center right in the middle of it. I imagine a place where pioneering and ambitious small businesses have the opportunity to engage with some of the county’s largest anchor institutions.”

Lavan Gangisetty, CEO of Epitome Technologies, applauded HCEDA for working with his company on the new location. “Howard County has been very supportive, helping our small business work through this challenging time. They stepped right up to help us find a new place,” he said. “This new location is not only closer to our homes, but also puts us in a premier business community where we’ll have access to work and partner with other established corporations and business.”

In February, Kittleman announced the creation of the Innovation Center as a one-stop location for business resources. The center, in a county-owned facility on Columbia Gateway Drive, is already home to HCEDA, which will manage the center.

In addition to recruiting new start-ups, high tech and cyber companies, plans call for relocating HCEDA’s Maryland Center for Entrepreneurship and the Howard County Tech Council – currently located off MD 108 – to the center as well.

“We envision the Innovation Center as not only a place where you start a business, but also a place for you to learn how to grow and expand your business. We want all of the business owners in Howard County to have access to the resources they need to succeed,” said Lawrence Twele, CEO of the HCEDA.

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